Thursday, November 25, 2010
Whitehall Reproductions Boats For Sale
Imperialism, State terrorism and the criminalization of social protest
Much of the history and reality of Latin America has to do directly or indirectly to the interventionist policies that U.S. imperialism has always worked in the region, and formalized in 1823 with the famous "Monroe Doctrine." Through various tactics, ranging from the negotiation, threats, intimidation and coercion, to the military invasion and domestic support schemes that have exercised oligarchic state terrorism, U.S. imperialism has been secured to influence in a vast territory, which is considered by them as an integral, if not its sovereignty, its own national security and prosperity. It is no coincidence that we are labeled as "their backyard." The presence and influence and American action in politics, economy and even culture of our countries, has meant a constant coercive domination and control of the processes of political struggle and resistance, social and cultural factors that historically have come in search the achievement of justice, freedom, peace and self-determination of our people.
Understanding the mode of operation of U.S. imperialism and its interventionist policies in matters Latin American countries' domestic helps us understand the correlation between recent events represent serious threats to security, peace and the right of resistance and self-determination beyond the narrow margins that represents the binomial capitalism "democracy" , considered by them as the only acceptable and viable model. The U.S. government, regardless of party affiliation, proclaimed their "right" to supervise the other countries in meeting international obligations and to impose punishments on those who are disapproved.
are policies and concrete actions that relate to the U.S. government with the separatist attempts and destabilizing in Bolivia, and with the constant and increasingly belligerent aggression against Venezuela. It is they who provide logistical support, military, financial, media and political Santos terrorist government in Colombia, in a war against what they call "narco-terrorism", which was actually a war against the organized, political opponents, and human rights defenders. It is the "diplomacy" that operated U.S. "politically" from one of its military bases in the coup against President Zelaya Honduras. Also, there are traces and evidence of the presence of various U.S. government agencies in the recent coup attempt in Ecuador.
In Mexico, it is also involved through the "Merida Initiative" in the "drug war" Calderón which, as we know, has settled more than 30 000 violent deaths in six years so far , and has plunged much of the territory and some cities, a real state, not of place but of terror.
of recent events mentioned thus far, two experiences. On one side are countries that, despite the constant harassment and attacks of imperialism and its local allies have managed to pursue their social change processes, such is the case of Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador, the latter two have also been reversed, respectively, attempted coups and direct attacks on their presidents. And at the other three countries are to develop and carry out actions and policies consistent with the imperial dictates, both economically and politically and military police. We talk about Mexico, Colombia and Honduras, which are used as a spearhead to strengthen U.S. dominance in the region.
In these three countries, in addition to the problems of implementing the neoliberal economic model, policies developed severe balance recorded in human rights. The three countries have common an increasing number of political prisoners, harassment, persecution, threats, extrajudicial executions, disappearances, rape, torture and forced displacement.
To achieve this, there are policies of domination, coercion, restraint, within which stands the criminalization of social protest. This is an insider strategy of concealment mechanism ideological and political and social legitimacy of the state's repressive actions against social activists, community leaders, journalists and alternative communicators, activists, students and opposition in general.
The criminalization of protest social occurs when the state uses and interprets the criminal law to prosecute, classify and punish the behavior of people and social organizations. So that a complaint or protest action, considered as rights, are turned into crimes.
rights of expression, organization, communication, defense and to due process are hindered in practice, leading to stifle the voice of those who most need to be heard. Currently in Mexico and Colombia, any murder, disappearance, abduction or physical attack is not investigated, but is justified immediately as "related to organized crime" or "narco-terrorism."
The purposes of a policy of this nature are clear: to harass, persecute and punish those who exercise political activity on multiple fronts of social life, popular and, thus, inhibit the opposition to the regime or any of its shares of government . As state policy, its performance requires the action of rulers, officials, judges, military, police and / or paramilitaries, politicians and media. Therefore these actions are a form of government and by no means a situational behavior.
However, the criminalization of social protest could not be explained and applied without the "lynching media. " The latter creates the psychological conditions in society to accept a policy of repression applied against others, who previously they appear as violent, dangerous enemies of society and the country, saboteurs or terrorists. The list of qualifiers can be extensive.
Without giving the right to defense or to reply to debase who has become a political target pitching against all kinds of negative value judgments, the judge and awarded to the company without giving the right to defense. So, all that the State made against him is not enough, and even missing strength in the law to suppress it. In this way the State gets the justification to strike and suppress, based on social consensus.
This is what happened to the victims of the bombing of Colombia in Ecuador, and particularly against Lucia Morett, who is still pursued with criminal cases in Ecuador, Mexico and Colombia as well as an international call for arrest by Interpol. This is what happens with Professor Miguel Angel Beltrán, arbitrarily detained in Mexico and wrongly deported to Colombia. And that's what happened to the victims of enforced disappearances and extrajudicial executions, and even friends and relatives of the victims.
has gestated a climate of international prosecution, which seeks to criminalize social activists like the case of Manuel Olate Chilean Communist Party who is in custody on an extradition request to Colombia.
Moreover, Senator Piedad Cordoba was deprived of office for which he was elected, with the trick of working with the insurgency, when it was she who led the mission "Colombians for Peace" which led to the release of several hostages . He was also disqualified from holding public office, when it comes to a person who has fought tirelessly for peace.
view this seems urgent alert and report both the imperialist policies and interventionist actions such as security policies that develop as state terrorism and the de facto criminalization of social protest and the right to think and speak critically, as these actions arising from the State and collaboration among these are offenses and concurrent attacks against life, HR, peace, security and self-determination.
These security policies are accompanied by impunity of the military forces who kill civilians, mostly young people. It is therefore necessary to claim and give a voice to victims, relatives of victims, social organizations, communicators, activists, advocates, artists, intellectuals and students that from the exercise of their legitimate rights seek a more just and more worth living. Mexico does not deserve a "Colombianization" Uribe-Santos style, but a destination of unity with the liberation struggles in Latin America and the world. Freedom
Miguel Angel Beltrán.
total Exemption Lucia Morett.
punishment for the murderers of John, Veronica, Soren and Fernando Sucumbíos fallen into the hands of Colombian terrorist.
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Mariana Lopez de la Vega and Miguel Angel Aguilar González: Society of Our Cultural Studies America:
José Enrique González Ruiz: Degree in Law, University Autónoma of Mexico City:
Ventilator R-80 '- Ojos de Brujo If this world is constantly lost and not find the right Lie a good party and dance! Dance! Dance! Do not forget pa, but pa .. take better listen!
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