(Homage to Rodolfo Espinola. Photo: Opovo - John the Baptist) |
History Ceará lost on the last day October 30 one of its greatest scholars of our day. The journalist and writer Rodolfo Espinola died after suffering a heart attack while driving on Avenida Santos Dumont, near Praia do Futuro where he lived.
Rodolfo was a dedicated student of maritime history Ceará. In addition to a series of articles for the newspaper Opovo in 2000, published "Vicente Pinzón and the discovery of Brazil " in 2006 and relaunched in May this year the work " Caravelas Rafts and Ships: Histories of Ceará " a complete book and very interesting.
We pay our tribute here a leading researcher in the history of the sea of \u200b\u200bCeara. I had the pleasure to meet him shortly before republish his latest book when we discuss the facts of World War Seguda. Espinola Rodolfo was a charismatic and entertaining. Ceara lost a lot with his death, may he rest in peace.
Marcus D.
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