(Diver and school of Paruns. Marcus Davis photo) |
Ceará is famous among divers for their country's troubled waters. This is true only for the period from August to January when strong winds make it awkward to navigate to the dive sites. However, what many do not know is that March to July the winds stop and the sea is calm as a pool .
what was witnessed yesterday in a diving exit. Calm sea breeze and very clean water in the sinking of Macau Aracati. Easy navigation, with no wind and lots of marine life. The sinking is 10 miles from the coast and is home to large amount of marine life: huge schools of guaraximboras, Paruns cocks and made the diving fantastic addition to the visibility was around 15m. sandpaper sharks and fish-bat are characteristic of the area were seen in abundance not to mention the surprise of the day: a big fat number, approximately 150kg was seen at the site. He was shown briefly before hiding. Making the joy of the few who saw it!
Diving in Ceará is so abundant marine life, visibility and extreme temperature pleasant. In this period of breeze, it is also the period that our waters have higher temperatures making the diving more comfortable. If you ever dipped only in shorts and T-shirt here is possible!
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