Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Long Dong Silver 's Movie
March 27/2010 through February 27/2011
Triennale di Milano,
Viale Alemagna 6
QUALI COSE SIAMO....."The things We Are" is the literal translation of the title of this exhibition dedicated to Design.
Through a collection of over eight hundred Italian "things" - from colorful ceramic heads to vintage cars, from lamps to the worldwide known Murano glass, from perfumes to talking forks (yes!) – this exhibition takes the viewers not only through some of the most meaningful samples of Italian design and arts&crafts, but also through the story of each individual object.
For those who are not true experts in design, some of these stories may be difficult to understand, But The exhibition traces the path That remains interesting and very appealing.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tooth Abcess Problems
Viktor Yanukovych was born July 9, 1950 in the village of Žukovka at Jenakijeve, nell'Oblast of Donetsk, then part of the RSS Ukraine (now independent Ukraine). Yanukovych was born in a working-class neighborhood, his father was a machinist ethnic Belarusian, who came from Yanuki in Voblasc 'of Vicebsk. The mother was a nurse in Ukraine, Yanukovych and died when she was two years. When he reached adolescence, he lost his father, and was then raised by his grandmother. Yanukovych considers himself a Ukrainian.
Viktor Yanukovych held the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine on three occasions: 2002-2004, 2004-2005 and from 10 August 2006 to December 18, 2007. It is also the leader of the Party of Regions, one of the main parties in the nation.
was governor of his native region, the Donetsk Oblast, from 1997 to 2002, and was one of the candidates in Ukraine's presidential election in 2004, defeated by Viktor Yushchenko, and then later returned to take charge Prime Minister (from 10 August 2006 to September 18, 2007).
Twice, in 1968 and 1970, Yanukovych was imprisoned for theft and abuse.
In 1972, Yanukovych became an electrician in a local bus company, and later completed his studies at the Technical Institute. In 1980 he graduated from Donetsk Polytechnic Institute by correspondence in mechanical engineering. Soon after graduating, Yanukovych was appointed chief manager of a transport company Jenakijeve and entered the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
Viktor Yanukovych won the presidential election of 2010, is considered a pro-Russian politician.
has been accused by political opponents not to be familiar with the Ukrainian language.
Sinus Cancer Symptoms
Last week the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, Yanukovich and Medvedev, had signed an agreement who's in Kiev a 30% discount on Russian gas. In return, the Russian navy's Black Sea will remain in the Ukrainian port Sevastopol, in Crimea, for another 25 years. An agreement that the president Yanukovich has called "historical" and that would mark the end of the tension that exists between a number of years the two countries.
The Slovenian daily Delo sees this deal a clear strategy of Russia to maintain its influence in post-Soviet states.
"This agreement - according to an article today - shows that using its energy wealth to Russia is strengthening its influence on the politics of the former Soviet republics. There is no doubt about the fact that Moscow is prepared to pay any price for its imperialist policy in the field of gas.
The European Union and NATO are shown in this area, much less generous and this is the main reason for the failure or success in Ukraine, or (partially) in Georgia and even in Kyrgyzstan. And in areas where they have failed here strode forward to the Moscow government. "
Neutropenic More Condition_symptoms
extension provides basic rent Sevastopol for 25 years
Kiev, April 26 (AP-New Europe) - The Ukrainian opposition lawmakers submitted a bill to the Rada, the Parliament in Kiev, to cancel decision to extend for additional years the rent of a naval base to the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
The agreement last week between Moscow and Kiev was a tangible proof of the new foreign policy inaugurated by President Viktor Yanukovich, who came to the highest office of the Ukrainian state after winning elections last February. Yanukovich, has always been considered the leader of Ukraine closer to the needs of Moscow.
The new president, succeeding his pro-Western Viktor Yushchenko, has granted an extension of the lease, which expires in 2017 until 2042. In return he received considerable discounts to the price of gas.
Thousands of Ukrainians, led by former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, Yanukovich's opponent for president, showed Saturday in front of the Rada to protest against the agreement, which should be subject to parliamentary ratification tomorrow.
The bill today that would prevent the extension of forcing the Russian fleet to leave the base of Sevastopol in 2017, hardly able to move in a parliament in which Yanukovich has a strong majority. More than anything his presentation seems to be a message to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who will arrive tonight in Kiev.
Tymoshenko and other opposition leaders have said the deal gives control of parts of the territory of Ukraine and appealed to all opposition forces to unite to resist this "unprecedented step to betrayal and disgrace the nation."
I-catcher Console - Web Monitor Home
Russia and Ukraine today signed a comprehensive agreement, which sets back the clock five years of European politics: the conflict that had cleared the opposite authorities "orange" from Kiev to the Kremlin, the two countries back to cooperate fully.
The deal does away with the two larger knots so far unresolved - deliveries of Russian gas to Ukraine and the presence of the Russian navy base of Sevastopol, in Crimea, Ukraine - linking the two issues into a single contract: Moscow to Kiev will make a huge discount on the price of gas (30% less) to leave Russia and Ukraine on the use of the base of Sevastopol for 25 years after the expiry of the lease in force (valid until 2017), extended by five more. In practice, since the grant of the base in Kiev does not cost anything, it is a substantial Russian help near the disaster (it is estimated a total of at least $ 40 billion over the period) in exchange for a loss of sovereignty of that 'last. As for gas, in fact, not only Moscow agreed to reduce the cost only in January between the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the then his Ukrainian colleague Yulija Timoshenko, but will also avoid to apply the sanctions foreseen in case of buying less than what was agreed, on the other hand, already had a few weeks ago Yanukovich said that even Russia will Involved in major project the restoration of the Ukrainian pipeline network, launched last year by Kiev in cooperation with the European Union. In essence, Moscow will greatly increase his control over the entire network, presenting the coming decades as the sole supplier of gas to Europe without problems.
They were the two presidents, Viktor Yanukovich, the Ukrainian and Russian Dmitry Medvedev, to put his signature on the historic agreement during Medvedev's visit to Kharkiv. Yanukovych has called the stay until nearly the middle of the century the Russian Black Sea fleet in Crimea "an important contribution to regional security" and said he regarded the agreement as part of a larger project for common security in Europe. Medvedev in turn said the agreement on the fleet gives us a certain perspective and allows us greater global peace, "which obviously makes it easier to make robust economic concessions, despite the crisis is not not at all over, as revealed by the latest statistics (in the first quarter 2010 growth in Russia was only by 0.6 percent, lower than that of the last three months of 2009) and as the premier Putin admitted yesterday in his report before the Duma. The Russian president has also pledged to invest more capital for "the economic and social renaissance of Sevastopol, which is now a city rather shabby and careless by the authorities in Kiev.
The agreement must be ratified by both parliaments: no problem to the Russian Duma, the less obvious the ratification by the Ukrainian Rada, where the majority of which have Yanukovich is not very wide and where the issue of Sevastopol is a matter of bitter dispute. The former head of state Viktor Yushchenko, had a national flag of the "recovery of Sevastopol, and other opposition MPs have already started saying that the agreement violates the Ukrainian constitution and should be rejected. Also in the Party of Regions of the President, moreover, there are many nationalists who do not like the idea of \u200b\u200ba transfer of sovereignty so demanding, we must see whether the project "Ukraine a neutral, non-aligned friends with all neighbors ", used by Yanukovych to justify the drastic change of course in foreign policy than the previous five Members will be compelling for what it was for the voters.
E 'certain that the news today - that is the logical conclusion of a "long march" of rapprochement between the two countries - will bring a lot of irritation in Washington and NATO, which also formally coming down (after politically) the draft inclusion of Ukraine in the "field" Western military in anti-Russian (and more) and a project especially dear to the administration of George W. Bush and Barack Obama had not reneged, but without insisting more after his election. Other countries have certainly reacted negatively to the Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, who feels directly threatened by the Russian Black Sea fleet, and possibly Poland, which has never hidden the hegemonic ambitions against Kiev - or at least the desire to pull out most clearly as possible the Ukraine from Russia.
published on April 21, 2010
source: up-and-gas-fleet /
Monday, April 19, 2010
Pogoga Dlugoterminowa
Vilem Flusser argued that "in preparing the above photo shoot", then in principle it is not the verb nor the image: to begin the task of creating photo is the care and attention in preparation of a shot.
Kubrick certainly did precisely this axiom, as in his photographs is the pursuit of perfection and the same obsessive attention to detail that became the hallmark of his work as a filmmaker.
In the photograph (as in the painting of the rest), however, the verb rather than omitted is only implied, and the size of a shot (as a painting) lies in the ability to inspire or tell a story, to speak to the viewer, the verb to see in the picture and imagine the word over the image you look.
I wonder if Stanley Kubrick had seen "Shoeshine" De Sica.
Of course we know that in Kubrick's film library devouring films of all kinds and nationalities in the period when very young, was a photographer for Look magazine .
Shoeshine (pronounced by American Italianized shoeshine ) is the 1946, won the Academy Award (a special prize which later became the Oscar for Best Foreign Film) and then had some popularity at least in environments that Kubrick film fans attended at the time.
The "Fable of a shoeshine " is 1947, and is included in this beautiful photo-exhibition of photographs "STANLEY KUBRICK PHOTOGRAPHER 1945-1950 ", in progress at the Palazzo della Ragione in Milan until July 4.
Kubrick film certainly has never been close to the Italian neo-realism, but if we wanted to attach a movie to this (photo) approach to the history Shoeshine is inevitable, especially as it served as the neo-realist cinema of actors take to the road so Mickey (the very young Shoe shine Kubrick), rather than a photographic subject "seems an actor taken up during the filming of a movie (... neorealist).
What is interesting in this exhibition - which gives us a profile of the great American novel - it is the cinematic representability of these shots, watching film and preparing to tell a story beyond the image that the great American already possessed.
The exhibition presents 200 photographs (selected from more than 12 thousand negative preserved by the Library of Congress in Washington and the Museum of the City of New York), and consists of a series of stories photographs taken between 1945 and 1950 when to only 17 years, Kubrick was hired by Look magazine .
sections that divide the exhibition, with a preview of the same are available at:
impossible not to think about the "Doctor Strangelove "looking at the sequence of shots that depict the life of some scholars at Columbia, the University exclusive of New York who was the research center for the development of the atomic bomb.
In 1939, just at Columbia, Niels Bohr gave a demonstration of the quality of fissile uranium-235.
The photograph of the physical dark glasses while performing an experiment and the splendid shot in front of the cyclotron physicists welcomed by 400mln Volt lead inevitably to think of the famous subtitle of the Kubrick film 1963: " How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" .
Research is often compromised and contradictory, and the look (always welcomed) observes that the physical responses of a mouse locked in a cage (with the hand of another body hanging from a sort of overlook ) care refers to the "Ludovico" of Clockwork Orange, cynicism is the same, whether it be a rat-guinea pig whatever, whether it be the worst criminal and vulgar human being who is Alex in Clockwork Orange .
And what, finally, the great shot / posters from provocative and ironic title "What every teen should know about love , which can be interpreted as the manifesto of the subsequent career as a director?
Kubrick's last film, Eyes Wide Shut reveals far-oxymoron in the title the testament of the cinema (ambiguous) of Kubrick, and seems to have been created (or at least inspired by) the image and likeness of what your shooting.
Something had already written then, indeed something had already imagined, and she photographed from the back (played then by Nicole Kidman) who writes "I hate love" with the lipstick seems to remember.
can not (and should not) explain and tell all, if you can not explain and fully understand even the contradiction inherent in their sense of being a human being.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
West Coast Chopper Bike
Yassa chicken or fish (Gambia)
- fish or chicken, cut into pieces
- juice of 2 lemons
- 4 finely chopped onions
- 1 / 4 teaspoon chili powder
- 5 tablespoons of oil
1 green pepper - 1 teaspoon mustard
- 1 / 4 cup water
- salt pepper
Prepare in a saucepan linonbe juice with a marinade, onion, salt, pepper, crushed red pepper and oil. Let the chicken flavor / fish for 40 minutes. Golden then the chicken / fish on a rack. Remove the onions from the marinade and cook over low heat in a pan for about 15 minutes. Add the rest of the marinade, the chicken / grilled fish, whole chili, mustard and water. Bring to a boil and then completed the cooking over low heat.
Salad Georgiana
3 potatoes 3 carrots
3-4 eggs
2 beet
1 onion 400 g chicken
salt, pepper, mayonnaise, parsley
E 'should do it the day before.
Boil the potatoes (but do not boil them: they must remain consistent), eggs and chicken. just cool that we can start it all grated. cut the onion and fry in a pan. Directly on the plate a layer of grated potatoes with a grater media and add the onion, a little 'salt and pepper, and cover with mayonnaise, then proceed with a second layer where we put the chicken, a bit' onion , carrot, salt, pepper, egg, parsley and cover with mayonnaise, third layer with beets, parsley, eggs, chicken and cover with mayonnaise again and so on. If you want you can stop here, but it is better to repeat again all the layers. the end the cake should be spread with mayonnaise and a final layer of eggs. scatter over a bit 'of parsley and the cake is ready.
Apple Crisp (USA)
The original recipe uses the American measurements (cups and teaspoons). I have included the approximate metric measurements as well. A cup is more or less 240ml and a teaspoon is 5 milliliters. They will not be exact (especially the teaspoon measurements), but you can always adjust to taste.
3/4 cup brown sugar (180 ml)
1/2 cup all-purpose flour (120 ml)
1/2 cup oats (120 ml)
-kind you cook for oatmeal (not instant)
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon (4 ml)
3/4 teaspoon nutmeg (4 ml)
1/3 cup softened butter (80 ml)
Place apples in bottom of greased pan (can grease with butter). Mix brown sugar, flour, oats, cinnamon and nutmeg together. Cut in butter until it forms a crumbly mixture. Sprinkle over top and bake at 375 degrees (190 Celsius) for 30-35 mins or until the apples are cooked. Serve warm.