Monday, March 15, 2010

Nice Saying To Put In Wedding Card

Basic Grammar of the Italian Language, Time Adverbs

Here you can find some basic useful expressions:

oggi today
domani tomorrow
dopodomani the day after tomorrow
ieri yesterday
l'altroieri the day before yesterday (this Italian adverb requires a definite article)

adesso now
ora now (remember that, as a noun, ora means hour)
spesso often
frequentemente frequently
qualche volta sometimes (literally: "some times")
talvolta sometimes
di rado seldom
raramente rarely

prima before
dopo after
durante during

These adverbs follow the same scheme as adjectives: they may be used either before or after the main subject. The choice of position depends on which part of the sentence is emphasized more. In general, the part that is to be emphasized more is put at the end of the sentence.

often use the computer I use the computer = Very Often (emphasis on the computer)
use the computer very often = Often I use the computer very (emphasis on very Often)

rarely work = I seldom work (slight emphasis on work)
work rarely = I seldom work (seldom is more emphasized)


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