Holocaust: a shield against solar storms.
Day 29/10/2010 - 17.11h21 comentariosLa believes that NASA can take steps to protect us from solar storms. This type of event, during which a shower of high energy particles hit our planet causing outages and all kinds of electrical disturbances could be provided with sufficient time to take steps to minimize their effects. A warning system consisting of the SOHO spacecraft and NASA's twin STEREO allow us to make a 3D model of the phenomenon and off-critical systems before they are affected.
The next peak of solar activity is expected in 2012-2013Las statistics show that occurs every hundred years a solar storm powerful enough to stain the skies of Earth with stunning blood-red auroras. Unfortunately, this type of phenomenon is not limited to producing scary visual spectacles, but affects the operation of compasses and satellite outage occurs, it interferes with telecommunications networks, affecting nearly all electronic equipment that our civilization uses every day.
Fortunately, most solar storms are not enough large enough to cause effects "to Hollywood," but some of them could really get us into trouble. In 1859, for example, took place the so-called "Carrington Event", a super solar storm that disrupted the telegraph traffic and even burned some of their offices. If a similar event take place in the world, and economic losses and human lives would be enormous. Disconnect
A report issued by the National Academy of Sciences of the United States in 2008 warned that if a solar storm "important" were to occur in the present, we would experience widespread power outages, and even be damaged many of the main transformers used in distribution networks of electricity. To avoid this, NASA is working on a project called "Solar Shield" ("Solar Shield"), to alert the electricity distribution companies about the possibility of an event of this type with sufficient time to conduct the preventive shutdown of their systems. According
Antti Pulkkinen, a researcher at the Catholic University of America who work at Goddard Space Flight Center of NASA, "Solar Shield is a security system, new and experimental, applied to the electricity distribution network in North America. We that may be useful for specific processors time off from predicting which of them could be affected by solar storms. "
The cause of the malfunction of electrical networks during these events has its origin in an effect known as GIC ("Geomagnetically Induced Current" or "geomagnetically induced current). When the cloud of solar particles generated during a storm hits the Earth's magnetic field makes it begins to "tremble." These vibrations induce magnetic currents in all regions of the atmosphere, overloaded circuits, switches and, in extreme cases, melting the windings of the transformers.
The "Halloween storms"
This has happened in recent history: a geomagnetic storm much less severe than the Carrington event left without power for 9 hours to the entire Canadian province of Quebec on March 13, 1989. Transformers were damaged that day in Quebec, New Jersey, and Britain, accounting for more than 200 anomalies in the electrical distribution network in several countries. In October 2003, the "Halloween storms" caused blackouts in several areas of southern Sweden and Africa.
Terrible as these cases appear, the fact is that none of these storms can be purchased with the "Carrington Event", and according to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the U.S. Department of Energy modern systems of power distribution are even more sensitive to the GIC. The NASA project could avoid these problems. Pulkkinen said that "solar shield into action when it detects a coronal mass ejection (CME, for Coronal Mass Ejection) on the sun images provided by SOHO and probes NASA's twin STEREO show the particle cloud from three points of view, allowing us to make a 3D model of the CME, and predict when it will arrive. "These particles take between 24 and 48 hours reach Earth, valuable time can be used to calculate the time and place that will hit our planet. With these data, the power distribution companies can disconnect their transformers to protect them. Preparations for 2012
Pulkkinen says that "Sun Shield" is now an experimental system that has never been tested during a real geomagnetic storm. Several distribution companies have installed monitors at key locations of their networks to support the NASA team in their predictions. As in recent years solar activity has been small and only a few storms have been relatively mild over the past year, the system has not been thoroughly tested. "We wish more energy-related companies from joining our research team," says Pulkkinen. "The more data we get, the quicker we can try and improve Solar Shield." The next peak of solar storms, which have a periodicity of approximately 11 years, is expected sometime in 2012 or 2013, so the implementation of this project can be crucial.
news published in:
nasa-preparation-for-201010291303.html shield
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
South Park Online Fatbeard
The Cure for What ails
Living in Milan with a crazy and hectic schedule, it is easy to forget about all that the city has to offer. Who has the time and the energy at the end of the day to go out and enjoy the rich cultural offerings that the city offers?
This month, however, I have had the opportunity to see both the musical Mamma Mia at the National Theatre and L’elisir d’amore by Gaetano Donizetti at La Scala. Leaving the quality and my opinion of the productions aside, I left the theatre revived and full of energy.
I would definitely recommend a night out at the theatre to help anyone forget about the trials and tribulations of day-to-day living in Milan. There is nothing like seeing live performers to reawaken our spirit.
Milan is full of theatres- big and small, world famous and not- and it is possible to see many productions in the original language. Go out and enjoy Milan, rediscover yourself.

Living in Milan with a crazy and hectic schedule, it is easy to forget about all that the city has to offer. Who has the time and the energy at the end of the day to go out and enjoy the rich cultural offerings that the city offers?
This month, however, I have had the opportunity to see both the musical Mamma Mia at the National Theatre and L’elisir d’amore by Gaetano Donizetti at La Scala. Leaving the quality and my opinion of the productions aside, I left the theatre revived and full of energy.
I would definitely recommend a night out at the theatre to help anyone forget about the trials and tribulations of day-to-day living in Milan. There is nothing like seeing live performers to reawaken our spirit.
Milan is full of theatres- big and small, world famous and not- and it is possible to see many productions in the original language. Go out and enjoy Milan, rediscover yourself.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Movietheater In Ottawa
AMERICA 2012-2013: 518 years of concealment! D'assaut___Desole
COPINH protest vigil against U.S. embassies and Spain
518 years of indigenous, black and popular ... and keep on fighting
Giorgio Trucchi
Informativrmativa List "Nicaragua and more" to "Nicaragua and more "
The Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, COPINH, held a vigil in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to commemorate" 518 years of the arrival of European invaders to our continent. " The protest vigil was held at night in front of U.S. embassies and Spain. With blankets, banners, candles and chants, men and women of this militant organization condemned "acts of genocide, plunder of our natural resources, ruthless exploitation of our peoples by colonial countries and local elites."
"We here at the U.S. Embassy to condemn the death project that this country has developed for decades against the Honduran people, and against all peoples who want liberation and emancipation," said Bertha Caceres, national coordinator of COPINH. According
Cáceres, follow blaming the American empire and European because as more than 500 years ago are still developing "colonialism, plunder our countries through free trade agreements, coups and military occupation.
addition, multinational companies continue to drive projects such as mining death, privatization of water, forest destruction and theft of our culture, knowledge and biodiversity.
want to prevent our right, "continued the coordinator of COPINH, to be sovereign and sovereign, to have self-determination. They represent in the world the power of death, greed and plunder. "
COPINH According to the October 12 is not Columbus Day, let alone the Discovery of America or the meeting between races, but a day of resistance.
"We commemorate the day of indigenous resistance, black, mestizo and popular throughout the continent. We continue our struggle against occupation and intervention, as we were taught Lempira, Mota, Barauda, \u200b\u200bCincumba, Copan Calel, and all our liberty and freedom, "said Caceres.
In a statement released by the COPINH, stresses that the draft rule is accompanied by coups. "They tried in Venezuela, made in Honduras and more recently, they tried again in Ecuador.
We said from the beginning: Honduras is a script to push the project of domination and continue taking over our resources. And now try to show available to promote a Constituent Assembly, which is what we the people demand.
Rather it serves to strengthen the project of domination and plunder, "complained COPINH coordinator. Refoundation is the way
In the statement, the indigenous and popular organization stressed that the people are in resistance, "to strengthen the struggle for building more just and more humane."
In the specific case of Honduras, the COPINH, along with a number of organizations of the Resistance, driving the overhaul of a country to be "multicultural, multilingual, which gives rise to intercultural democracy to exercise the right to direct participation of our peoples, through a Constituent National Assembly plenipotentiary, refoundational, popular and democratic. "
The goal is to create a new Constitution "that gives rise to a political pact that makes it clear that natural resources are our people and not the oligarchy, or transnational corporations."
addition, to allow "the recall referendum on the mandates of Governments at different levels, which recognizes the rights of women, young people, children and girls, that redistribute wealth equitably, ending with the privileges of the oligarchs who have done much damage to our people ".
also a Constitution "to return sovereignty to the country, forcing the departure of foreign troops and allow us to regional integration with the peoples and governments democratic and popular of our America." The
COPINH also calls to end the impunity of violators of human rights, the corrupt, and those who have "led coups" and that the new Constitution "recognizes the community property and the rights of workers, protecting the environment and contribute to reversing climate change," says the document.
"The end of the resistance struggle is the reestablishment of Honduras and the Constituent Assembly a tool for achieving this goal. In this regard, "he concluded Cáceres, it is necessary that this effort involving all sectors in resistance, without exception.
We need to develop participatory, horizontal, where there is debate and constructive criticism, because they are the elements that make us grow. "
In the statement, the COPINH also called on the national coordinator of the Popular Resistance Front, FNRP, and former President Manuel Zelaya Rosales, that "despite all the risks and legal proceedings, including the country and help from the inside in an overhaul of the nation because the timing is crucial and urged his presence. "
Source: Fan
http://nicaraguaymasespanol.blogspot.com/ 2010/10/518-anos-de-resistencia-indigena-negra.html
COPINH protest vigil against U.S. embassies and Spain
518 years of indigenous, black and popular ... and keep on fighting
Giorgio Trucchi
Informativrmativa List "Nicaragua and more" to "Nicaragua and more "
The Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, COPINH, held a vigil in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to commemorate" 518 years of the arrival of European invaders to our continent. " The protest vigil was held at night in front of U.S. embassies and Spain. With blankets, banners, candles and chants, men and women of this militant organization condemned "acts of genocide, plunder of our natural resources, ruthless exploitation of our peoples by colonial countries and local elites."
"We here at the U.S. Embassy to condemn the death project that this country has developed for decades against the Honduran people, and against all peoples who want liberation and emancipation," said Bertha Caceres, national coordinator of COPINH. According
Cáceres, follow blaming the American empire and European because as more than 500 years ago are still developing "colonialism, plunder our countries through free trade agreements, coups and military occupation.
addition, multinational companies continue to drive projects such as mining death, privatization of water, forest destruction and theft of our culture, knowledge and biodiversity.
want to prevent our right, "continued the coordinator of COPINH, to be sovereign and sovereign, to have self-determination. They represent in the world the power of death, greed and plunder. "
COPINH According to the October 12 is not Columbus Day, let alone the Discovery of America or the meeting between races, but a day of resistance.
"We commemorate the day of indigenous resistance, black, mestizo and popular throughout the continent. We continue our struggle against occupation and intervention, as we were taught Lempira, Mota, Barauda, \u200b\u200bCincumba, Copan Calel, and all our liberty and freedom, "said Caceres.
In a statement released by the COPINH, stresses that the draft rule is accompanied by coups. "They tried in Venezuela, made in Honduras and more recently, they tried again in Ecuador.
We said from the beginning: Honduras is a script to push the project of domination and continue taking over our resources. And now try to show available to promote a Constituent Assembly, which is what we the people demand.
Rather it serves to strengthen the project of domination and plunder, "complained COPINH coordinator. Refoundation is the way
In the statement, the indigenous and popular organization stressed that the people are in resistance, "to strengthen the struggle for building more just and more humane."
In the specific case of Honduras, the COPINH, along with a number of organizations of the Resistance, driving the overhaul of a country to be "multicultural, multilingual, which gives rise to intercultural democracy to exercise the right to direct participation of our peoples, through a Constituent National Assembly plenipotentiary, refoundational, popular and democratic. "
The goal is to create a new Constitution "that gives rise to a political pact that makes it clear that natural resources are our people and not the oligarchy, or transnational corporations."
addition, to allow "the recall referendum on the mandates of Governments at different levels, which recognizes the rights of women, young people, children and girls, that redistribute wealth equitably, ending with the privileges of the oligarchs who have done much damage to our people ".
also a Constitution "to return sovereignty to the country, forcing the departure of foreign troops and allow us to regional integration with the peoples and governments democratic and popular of our America." The
COPINH also calls to end the impunity of violators of human rights, the corrupt, and those who have "led coups" and that the new Constitution "recognizes the community property and the rights of workers, protecting the environment and contribute to reversing climate change," says the document.
"The end of the resistance struggle is the reestablishment of Honduras and the Constituent Assembly a tool for achieving this goal. In this regard, "he concluded Cáceres, it is necessary that this effort involving all sectors in resistance, without exception.
We need to develop participatory, horizontal, where there is debate and constructive criticism, because they are the elements that make us grow. "
In the statement, the COPINH also called on the national coordinator of the Popular Resistance Front, FNRP, and former President Manuel Zelaya Rosales, that "despite all the risks and legal proceedings, including the country and help from the inside in an overhaul of the nation because the timing is crucial and urged his presence. "
Source: Fan
http://nicaraguaymasespanol.blogspot.com/ 2010/10/518-anos-de-resistencia-indigena-negra.html
R-80 '- Ojos de Brujo If this world is constantly lost and not find Lie reason a good party and dance! Dance! Dance! Do not forget pa, but pa .. take better listen!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Western Chikan Train Groping
Shevchenko Ukrainian parliament will retire from football after Euro 2012
Andriy Shevchenko, the most 'famous Ukrainian soccer player, has announced that hang' to nail his boots after Euro 2012. E'''a final decision will not be' reconsidered,''said Shevchenko, 34, the Ukrainian newspaper Sport-Express. Shevchenko - the national team captain and received the highest honor of the former Soviet republic, the title of Hero of Ukraine - played, as well as in Milan, Chelsea and Dynamo Kiev.
In 2004 he won the Ballon d'Or.
Andriy Shevchenko, the most 'famous Ukrainian soccer player, has announced that hang' to nail his boots after Euro 2012. E'''a final decision will not be' reconsidered,''said Shevchenko, 34, the Ukrainian newspaper Sport-Express. Shevchenko - the national team captain and received the highest honor of the former Soviet republic, the title of Hero of Ukraine - played, as well as in Milan, Chelsea and Dynamo Kiev.
In 2004 he won the Ballon d'Or.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
How To Make A Sail For A Sunfish
Master Gims)
I preferred to go and hide away
Mom how you say, I'm sorry
And I clearly neglected me like I said tebe OK
And every day I think to stop
People want to make me an entity
Gonna chuck everything, I'm just a man I'll end up
peg out [Chorus] x2
(Master Gims)
And I had to walk along the pavement
Step I tell myself it's not true
Dad, Mom, sorry guys
J'ressens as a desire to isolate myself
I also brothers gonna stop me all mine
Join the dingaris
Paris is Alcatraz
Tired of fines and all those piles of paperwork
Their heart is black and thin as a Senegalese
To hear them you'd think I bleed had
i want my wife, I dine, my kids
To me it feels j'emploirai
all my might [Chorus] x2 (Master Gims)
Forgive me grandmother please
income I would see you if I had more corn
But you know it's not here not easy
hass In France we also slaps of my
Sorry to teachers of math, English and French
Worry not my father well smashed
Sorry sir, but if the banker j'm'arrache you will not m'manquer
[Chorus] x2 (Master Gims)
(Black M)
Mom, Dad I tell 'On Diarama'
I know that in your head you're in there
ja I just say I've got no faith I'm
cunt, I started with the end
I should not have to get into music as a kid I should have listened
dad as a child You make me feel guilty
When I see what you did this country coufard
[Chorus] x2 (Master Gims)
(Master Gims)
J ' I preferred to go and hide away
Mom how you say, I'm sorry
And I clearly neglected me as a tebe I said OK
And every day I think to stop
People want to make I
entity Gonna chuck everything, I'm just a man I'll end peg out
Master Gims)
I preferred to go and hide away
Mom how you say, I'm sorry
And I clearly neglected me like I said tebe OK
And every day I think to stop
People want to make me an entity
Gonna chuck everything, I'm just a man I'll end up
peg out [Chorus] x2
(Master Gims)
And I had to walk along the pavement
Step I tell myself it's not true
Dad, Mom, sorry guys
J'ressens as a desire to isolate myself
I also brothers gonna stop me all mine
Join the dingaris
Paris is Alcatraz
Tired of fines and all those piles of paperwork
Their heart is black and thin as a Senegalese
To hear them you'd think I bleed had
i want my wife, I dine, my kids
To me it feels j'emploirai
all my might [Chorus] x2 (Master Gims)
Forgive me grandmother please
income I would see you if I had more corn
But you know it's not here not easy
hass In France we also slaps of my
Sorry to teachers of math, English and French
Worry not my father well smashed
Sorry sir, but if the banker j'm'arrache you will not m'manquer
[Chorus] x2 (Master Gims)
(Black M)
Mom, Dad I tell 'On Diarama'
I know that in your head you're in there
ja I just say I've got no faith I'm
cunt, I started with the end
I should not have to get into music as a kid I should have listened
dad as a child You make me feel guilty
When I see what you did this country coufard
[Chorus] x2 (Master Gims)
(Master Gims)
J ' I preferred to go and hide away
Mom how you say, I'm sorry
And I clearly neglected me as a tebe I said OK
And every day I think to stop
People want to make I
entity Gonna chuck everything, I'm just a man I'll end peg out
Ventilador R-80 '- If Ojos de Brujo this world is constantly lost and not find a good reason Lie rumba and dance! Dance! Dance! Do not forget pa, but pa .. take better listen!
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