Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Black Meal Core Wheels


you thought fashion week was exclusively for a few?
This year is revealed in Milan a new way of thinking, creating and producing fashion.
From September 27 to October 2, 2010 Terre di mezzo Events, in collaboration with the Fashion Island and AG22, invites you to FASHION SO SO CRITICAL, the alternative possible.
The project was the result of a conviction: the fashion needs of new values \u200b\u200band new practices must be consistent with contemporary environmental and social needs and therefore can not break free from the impositions of the twentieth century marketing e del consumismo.
Sono produzioni che valorizzano la “micro” e piccola economia del sistema moda, attraverso il recupero di capacità manuali e creative, da cui nascono capi unici che continuano la tradizione con nuove tecniche, procedure e materiali.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Velicity Von New Release

Dr House (Everything is a lie)?

narcissistic television to educate nihilisms

Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez
Rebellion / University of Philosophy

"He who does not know the truth is simply ignorant. But who knows and calls it a lie , that is a criminal! " - Brecht
is not the same lie to do fiction. "Dr. House "is part of the Yankee fashion fiction television series produced on lawyers and hospitals in a country whose reality is living infested with injustice, without education for all and health care lacking popular.

Some products of capitalism exploit the virtues of the art of fiction to play, seriously, that the real is fake and that lying is a universal truth. Much of the fiction of "Dr. House "turns his wheel mercadológica to hypnotize the" fans "with illusions" scientific "posing as truth, to lead the farandulesca thesis that" everybody lies. " The TV series " Dr. House, the Fox, aired for the first time in the fall of 2004. They had to invent a character narcissistic, authoritarian, lazy, addict, cynical genius, to slide the ideology of the ruling class, nothing is reliable. If "everybody lies" lie, too, "House" and Fox are not going to accept, out of compassion, ideology depressing a sarcastic character, but suffers a fiction commodified, made to make "truth" in our thoughts, bourgeois ideology of lies. Outside the "fiction House" there is a world full of class struggle.

is a great series to test critical. No matter how brilliant prove the ropes, apparently logical, exhibiting "House" for their "diagnoses." In the episodes and characters of the TV series, the historical reality sinks through an incomprehensible language, based on medical jargon and a network of human relations psychology infested oppressive and murky. A group of experts, outstanding appearance, you agree to the humiliations and the whims of a despotic character of genius whose degree is sufficient justification to forgive everything. It would seem that the biggest challenge lies in devising the writers to make it look dirty tricks unpunished therapeutic genius "House" unfolds with its fictionalized capacity Synthesis and association (mostly random) of pathological phenomena. It seems "real" ... but it is fiction. We saw it with Sherlok Holmes.

These propaganda exercises dressed in "philosophy", an audience not insignificant in number, are induced to admire the sequence of events planned to entice with lies in an "impeccable." The reasoning is always defeated by the number of unknown factors and the viewer, apparently, "House" means under the exclusive domain formulas. Is a "good number" agree a lot, according to the parameters of the dominant mode of television production. Not a few converge on the claim that it is a series of "high quality" and not a few tips for some thought and taste "liberal" sympathies and coincidences entrenched "intellectuals." But everything is fake.

"Our history is dominated by the false" (U. Eco). Today the ideology of the ruling class is in a phase of irreversible crisis. They do not know what to invent. All resources have thumbed "philosophical" and today they have prohijaron significant thing to come up because they have made clear they have no future. Then mess around. The ideology of the ruling class has harmful effects from their ivory towers mass media, allied with mafias "academic" invent dark thesis that are "consumed" by individuals, not infrequently, they become disoriented. Many believe that television fiction is real. Or almost.

long bourgeois aesthetics has painted his speeches, too, with a "realism", invented by her, able to pass as "truth" absolute "and doom-usurious interest of capitalism. This "realism" bourgeois has served to lie, not only in television series, but even in documentaries and newscasts, with "realistic." They have been subservient to the art of lying dressed in "reality." With this "great realism, "said the existence of" weapons of mass destruction ", to name one of the" realities "rather deceptive imperialist rhetoric. The "realism" bourgeois is not just another narrative form invented exprofeso to evangelize resigned hearings under the thesis that "it's the world," the way things are, "is raw and nothing will change ... and you have to be cynical because it is "nice." It is fashionable.

From the travels of Marco Polo, which prompted the exploration of Africa and Asia, a non-existent weapons of mass destruction that led to the Iraq War or anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "we are surrounded by fakes." That realism with which the television series "Dr. House "presents case studies on diseases almost always bizarre, interrupts, timers to impose the ultimate truth that advertising is financed fiction and its ratings. That logic of "House" designed to identify pathologies and resolve the plot of the chapters, fascinates many effective but not individualistic. Is big business capitalist. Some think they see on "House" school "pragmaticist" of Peirce. And he called "abduction" to give scientific status to it's a game "logical" deliberate by the writers who play poker with all the cards in your favor. No one was fooled, not reality, is a fiction, sometimes labored, painted with narrative realism.

Reality is in a world where industry is the most important imperialist weapons, followed by the advertising business, the business of pornography and then drug trafficking, weapons and people. A reality in which the vast majority of human beings is subject to an awesomely armed minority to exploit and suppress expert. A growing reality in distress, advance the revolution and is hungry for ideas to defeat capitalism. Some say that talking about the role that is not true of a TV series committed to repeating that "all lies."

A team of writers, and scriptwriters, writing for the "Dr. House "look like genius of medicine. And as it seems "real" even the circle of doctors trained by "House", the TV-series displays his own language, apparently "scientific" and it seems understandable only by insiders. The philosophy of "House" science is the enemy of science he advocates. "Everybody lies" says the philosophy of the television series and class ideologues (FOX) use as symbolism found, exprofeso facts, so that no one understands and accept all-critically. But when charging, when the profits, the ultimate truth is capitalism. "House" offers its share to complete the task of curbing responsible mass media, indeed, any significant force that can change the existing order, whether it be to draw on the arts of fiction. That is not the same as the arts of lying.

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appointed UN spokeswoman Mazlan Othman humanity before aliens ( NEWS Denial)

Malaysian An unknown astrophysics will be responsible for the aliens to receive and conduct visitors relationships between space and Earth's inhabitants

If, as the cliché , aliens come to Earth and ask to be brought to "our leader" would not be kept, in theory, the White House, would be brought to a so far unknown, Malay astrophysics, Mazlan Othman, who is director of the Office for Outer Space Affairs of the United Nations Organization (UNOOSA, for its acronym in English). Othman would have the privilege of interacting with intergalactic beings that made contact with our planet, of course if these beings were driving under the protocol established by the UN's diplomatic relations and exopolitical Hollywood.

"The continuing search for extraterrestrial intelegencia various entities holding the human hope of someday receiving signals from aliens. When this happens we must have a coordinated response that takes into account the sensitivity of the case," said the flamboyant representative of humanity to the cosmos, which is also responsible for deciding what to do if the planet is hit by an asteroid. There

views divided on how they should be received by the aliens. Under a treaty of 1967 UNOOSA, UN members had agreed to protect the Earth from alien species "sterilized." Physicist Stephen Hawking warned recently that humanity should be careful of the aliens, because it is likely that these are in search of resources that could happen what happened to the Indians with the discovery of America.

is hard not to see this appointment as part of a cosmic comedy caught in a time capsule anthropocentric, or if not, as part of a global staging of a show hyper-, pre-production of an event of extraterrestrial contact by large production houses that have brought us shows like the attack on the Twin Towers, the war in Iraq and other blockbusters.

Editorial Editor: Luis Martinez
Tel: 0261 4259787 int 33

Monday, September 20, 2010

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Ballad of Cable Hogue Calexico.The

live out yonder Where the snakes and scorpions run got myself a
little goldmine to bank on one day to
My Heart Sank When I saw Madame in town
I Knew Her Love Would Be The Death Of Mine

(Love going , love obsolete.
Why waste your life looking for a heart of gold?
I do not drown in this desert mystique.
I close my account and I'm leaving.)

Love is going and love Some is obsolete
Spend Their Whole Lives searching for a heart of gold
I'm tired of treading water in this desert mystique I'm cashing in my
chips Before I ride

Do me a favor while I'm hanging here
Take this gold and go and hide
Don't twist too hard darlin' on your hangin' rope
(ne gigote pas chéri sur ta corde pendue)
Don't worry I'll be free in no time.

She promised me she would be there when I'd return
she didn't say she'd have a whole army there as well
she whispered, "J'taime Baby," as she fired that gun at me.
It's getting late and I'm running out of time

I should've stayed way out yonder better off with the scorpions and snakes
Every act which has no heart will be found out in the end
I'm a little late this time, cause her love
would be the death of mine, mine, all mine

Friday, September 17, 2010

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Read News: The perfect way to becoming a robot

In its essential purpose, the news "express", "fast food" of the information is not designed to feed the knowledge but to promote alienation and mass ignorance. It is the most effective tool that uses the media structure to convert the human brain on a microchip repetitive slogans in the service of domination without the use of arms.

By Manuel Frey (*)

in the system (even as "world unique"), only minority produced (and consumed) analysis or interpretation of events that occur on the planet.

A mass level, the "news" or "information" published titles are synthesized, carriages, and short paragraphs which are summarized in themselves. Born and die at the same speed of reading.

There is no context, no story, there is no causal relationship between event and event, and news, as images, only look (and are) in the retina while we watch, we read or hear.

For agencies, newspapers and mass media (local or international), this form of "consumption" is ideal.

people, executives say, she's always in a hurry. And we make the world easy and simple to digest.

This global communication "express" information "quick consumption" only titles, short paragraphs, memorized facts easy to digest and remember.

And the "general public" (the plaintiff massive information "express") is accustomed to taking in information "loose" (not why or what for) and not to analyze or reflect on their authenticity and origin. Easy and cortito

is the formula imposed. A sort of "world of slogans," the "general public" e parrots in their private lives, at work, and all chats and social networks where you leave register. And the information

"express" level and manipulated on a global scale, created a world in their image and likeness: The world of "pundits" compulsive loose programmed slogans news "express." And as pop

course, the role of reflection and analysis (natural human) was replaced by the "comment" without support, and speculation to the rumors and conspiracy theories without reasonable justification.

There is a first technical explanation: The role system of journalism is not to promote knowledge (rational understanding) of the news, but to promote the "debate" without rules, the discussion irrational and schizophrenic (no analysis or information processing) of the titles released as single images "to produce commercial attraction. Schedule

readers, viewers, or Internet with slogans faced with other slogans, the role and mission is essential that arises from the operational structure of mass journalism that sells "news" like burgers on the gondola.

And the miracle is looking for: The mass audience, the insane schedule (AP), uses information "Express" the same way you consume music, shows, products, even presidents and living standards if they are sold as air freshener.

That sense of freedom without borders "that leaves the" pundits "compulsive consumption information fast (like junk food from Mc Donalds) allowed, with impunity," criticizing "or" judge "almost any event without information and analysis on fundamental elements of what is discussed.

In this context, it is very common, for example, that an AP (alienated scheduled), "opine" on the conflict in Iran without knowing identified on the map. In its objective

Basically, the news "express", "fast food" of the information is not designed to feed the knowledge but to gain mass ignorance.

is the most effective tool that uses the media structure to convert the human brain on a microchip repetitive slogans, while the system, governments, banks and venture capitalists (who finance the media structure) are pillaging and doing business in the world real.

From the point of view of media use, the word "express" is based on and dwells on the techniques of mind control.

Operationally, mind control is a technique aimed at capturing and / or manipulate the behavior of people, controlling their emotions and their capacity for "reflection" with the aim of addressing behaviors (social or individual) to the ends sought by the "driver" (Governments, power groups, etc).

This model of social behavior manipulation (mind control) is summarized in the "herd thinking" where the individual resigned his ability to "own thinking" in exchange for protection by the leader (developer) of the group.

and mind control, to be successful, needs the "sectarian thinking," whose structure is composed of a "passive recipient" (the manipulated with mind control) and "active issuer (the head developer).

In this case, the alienated consumer news" express "is the passive recipient, while programming the media structure is the active emitter.

So much so that, within this functional scheme, there is a critical identification with the news (a feed back between sender and receiver), but one designed to prevent memorization totalized understanding of events on which apparently "informs".

The resulting ( that can be easily verified): The reader, viewer or listener becomes a passive diffuser titles (emptied of ideological and reflective) that feed the brain as a massive orders.

This creates a schizophrenic fragmentation, and allows, for example, the receiver, passing, without any reflective or emotional connection, a story about the death of 200,000 people in Haiti, the other on the latest release of a singer fashion.

And this phenomenon explains, in turn, the indifference of the majority against military mass killings of defenseless human beings (such as Israel in Gaza) who, without any alienation atomizing media, produce mass reactions against their perpetrators.

This effect is caused by an operation reductionist atomizing the news "express." For example: If I title "Israel is at war with Hamas," without clarifying that Israel is the aggressor power and Hamas the victim, wash operations to exterminate the Jewish state from any connotations of genocide.

transferred to any other plane, the function of news "loose" (out of context and unconnected) is aimed at preventing the majority (through reflective thinking) become aware of who is dominating and the dominated who.

This is the reason that justifies the bombing daily "headline" events that have torn apart and stripped of any sense of wholeness interpretation. Destroyed

critical thinking (through the information out of context and no history) the set are amplified alienated and passive transmitter levels in a single message: broadcasting (by way of a "Big Brother") that the media structure trades with the "news."

The structure of "herd thinking" means a functional axiom: The system does not want you to think for yourself, but to obey orders.

These orders (in the era of mind control) are not military but "persuasive." No act by imposing physical (torture and fear of death), but by imposing psychological (the "persuasion" social).

stage of the colonization of corporations with the consumption of products, beginning in the 60's, made possible the era of "mental colonization" with the consumption of information improved with the advent of the Internet and mass communications globalized in the late 90's.

When the transnational capitalist system, through consumption, leveled a "single model of thinking," laid the foundation for the psycho-ideological political control through the news reports manipulated by psychological operations. So

such that the techniques and strategies of mental control were revalued in scientific methods of addressing mass behavior, and became an efficient control strategy without the use of arms.

By manipulating and routing of conduct by the individual-psychological means dough becomes "soldier donor" domain plans and social control imposed by transnational capitalism and the imperialist power shift regent.

is both victim and victimizer, psychological operations, as a cell becomes consumer-broadcaster plans both capitalist consumerism plans social control and repression manipulated without the use of arms.

The news "express" the information from "quick consumption" are the backbone of this strategy.


Friday, September 10, 2010

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Dnipro River in Kiev

Dnipro River in Kiev is a 2290 km long river (the fourth in Europe after the Volga, the Danube, and Ural) with an average flow at the mouth of 1,670 m³ / s. Its catchment area covers an area of \u200b\u200b516,000 km ² and is the third in Europe as to size, after the Volga and the Danube. The Dnepr

Valdaj born of the plateau (western Russia), then enter in Belarus and 115 km is the natural border between Belarus and Ukraine. Finally crosses Ukraine, which bathes the capital Kiev. In all three countries remains essentially the same name but with different pronunciations.

Approximately the last 800 km of the river are a chain of reservoirs almost one after another. These basins are: the water in Kiev, the basin Kaniv, Kremenčuk basin, the basin Dniprodzeržyns'k of the basin and the basin Zaporižžja Kachov.

The dams forming these basins are used to generate hydroelectric power, which corresponds to about 10% of electricity from Ukraine.

The Dnepr flows into the Black Sea with a long estuary, not far from the city of Odessa, west of the Crimea.

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What to see and visit in Kiev?

Coming in Kiev we can visit many attractions. As the resplendent
Saint Sophia Cathedral, the eleventh century, which is the oldest church in the city that was destroyed, and which are housed inside the mosaics and frescoes. Crossing the busy road
Vulitsya Kreshchatyk, we find excellent shops where shopping, and numerous street vendors selling fruit and vegetables.

Another avenue of Kiev is very charming Andriyivsky Vziz, full of galleries, shops, restaurants and cafes.
Another visit to do, even if not pleasant, is at the Chernobyl Museum, which unfortunately shows the biggest nuclear disaster in history.

Also visit: The Church of Mykola Prytysko of 1631, an interesting example of Ukrainian Baroque architecture of the first period, the Monastery of the Caves, founded in 1051 and is situated in Pechersk district, the Cathedral of the Dormition, which is part of monastery complex dates back to the late eleventh century, and Baroque is one of the most beautiful religious buildings throughout the country. Underwear

we can go in two other very interesting museums: the Museum of Historical Treasures, with handicrafts, precious stones and metals, and the Museum of Folk Architecture. So to see

  • S Sofia Cathedral and the monastery complex
  • S Michele
  • The Church of St. Andrew's Cathedral
  • S Vladimiro
  • University and the historic park that is in front (in good weather where you can observe a very good chess players battle it out)
  • the National Theatre
  • the Golden Gate
  • Independence Square
  • Khreshchatyk street (where you can stroll and shop windows guardan)
  • stadium Lobanovski
  • the Pechersk Lavra
  • parks and "beaches" along the river
  • the "house of illusions"

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Religion in Ukraine Ukraine

In Ukraine, the predominant religion is Christianity and the majority of the country's population is Christian Orthodox. However, the Orthodox are divided into three courts: the Ukrainian-Patrircato autonomous Church in Moscow, the autocephalous Orthodox churches of Ukraine and the Kiev Patriarchate, the latter two churches are not recognized by the canonical Orthodox churches. Catholics are headed by the greek-Ukrainian Catholic Church (which also includes the eparchies outside Ukraine) and Ukrainian Catholic Church (Latin America). All baptized Catholics in Ukraine, representing 7.43% of the population, according to Catholic statistics. Ukraine is the Eastern European country in which the conflicts between Orthodox and Catholics, after the fall of communism, led to further tensions. Protestant and 19.2% of the population

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Albanians - Albanian in Ukraine

With new modes of communication are being found ETIN Albanian groups found in other European countries and that despite past centuries, they still retain the folklore.E Albanian language and Albanian in the case of Ukraine, took office here in the south of Ukraine in the village of Karakurti.Infatti during the Ottoman invasion of the Balkans many residents left their land to move to Western Europe or to the north of the Balkans.
The story of a group who now lives in Ukraine began in 1500, where a group of residents of Korca in southeastern Albania, moved to Bulgaria where they remained as a group for 300 years but this group had to move again, probably this time to escape the Ottomans and settled in Ukraine, in the village of Karakurt (now called Giovtnjovoje) Devneskoje (Taz), Georgjevka (Tyshki) and Gamovra (Giandran), but the main village is Karakurt.

. This group of ethnic Albanians who now lives in Ukraine for 200 years still holds today the Albanian language and also the incredibly famous and folklore dances albanesi.Sono a group of about 5000 people and are mainly farmers.

Here, women are still the carpet done with the frame (the qilim). They have over time used the language alb Anese in these 5 centuries passing them filgio child. They have a great deal of historical images to keep, have kept their traditional clothing from 200 years ago, when they settled in this village in Ukraine. These people need books and teachers who can teach the Albanian language Albanian language precisely because over the years has been changes over the years and obviously many words they do not use them anymore. A good story

source http://turismoinalbania.blogspot.com

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In Ukraine, the climate is temperate continental interior and the Mediterranean in the south coast of Crimea, along the Black Sea 's Winter is relatively mild, while inland temperatures are much lower in January, with peaks below -20 ° C. The annual rainfall varies greatly from region to region: while in Western Ukraine fall 1,200 mm of rain a year, in the Crimea this value is reduced to just 400 mm. The average January temperature in Kiev is -6 ° C.

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Weather in Ukraine The Ukrainian Parliament - Verkhovna Rada

The Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada is mono-cameral and has 450 seats. It is the first responsible for the formation of the executive and the Council of Ministers whose boss is the Prime Minister.

laws, parliamentary and governmental acts, presidential decrees and acts of the Crimean Parliament can be repealed by the Constitutional Court, if they violate the Constitution. The Supreme Court is the highest organ of the judicial system. Officially guaranteed forms of administrative decentralization and local government. The local and city councils and mayors are elected by the people and exert control over the budget of the local authority which they preside, while the heads of oblast 'and rayon are co-opted by President of the Republic

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Kharkov is the second largest city of Ukraine after Kiev.

The Liberty Square in the center of Kharkov is the largest square in Europe, second in the world after Tiananmen Square in China.
There are many things to visit the cathedrals to museums that have their own charm.

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Busk Ukraine Kharkov Ukraine Ukraine Traditional Costumes

Busk is a small country with about 10,000 people. Tova is 53 km from Lviv, Busk The word means "crane".
fact the symbol of the city is also a white stork.

Busk has a long and interesting history. was in a strategic position for trade. In
Fifteenth century, it became a fortress and built 'a magnificent castle. This wonderful country has 1500 years of history

For many years, the land is located Busk was part of one of Austria or Poland. This means that much of the cultural heritage and influences from cittàci see signs of Austrian, Polish.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

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Good Friends in Deed , Good Friends Indeed: An Italian Language Glossary for Navigating Interpersonal Relationships

When your family is so close that you can't breathe, you sometimes need all the help you can get from your friends- even if it's just to complain.

(* = familiar, ** = very familiar, *** = vulgar, R = plain rude, Lit. = Literally)

Good friends and more
La mia anima gemella My soul mate. Can be used for a partner or a friend with whom you share a particular affinity.

stick in my old age (*) Lit My old age sticks. The person who will support me in my old age. Can be a partner or a friend.

My boyfriend / my girlfriend (**) Used only in Some regions, slang for boyfriend / girlfriend.

my better half (*) My sweet other half.
A few friendly words of wisdom
who finds a friend finds a treasure He Who Finds a Friend Finds a Treasure. Patti

make good friends Clear understandings, long friendship. Few

few but good but good (quality, not quantity). Used for many things, friends included.