Read News: The perfect way to becoming a robot In its essential purpose, the news "express", "fast food" of the information is not designed to feed the knowledge but to promote alienation and mass ignorance. It is the most effective tool that uses the media structure to convert the human brain on a microchip repetitive slogans in the service of domination without the use of arms.
By Manuel Frey (*)
in the system (even as "world unique"), only minority produced (and consumed) analysis or interpretation of events that occur on the planet.
A mass level, the "news" or "information" published titles are synthesized, carriages, and short paragraphs which are summarized in themselves. Born and die at the same speed of reading.
There is no context, no story, there is no causal relationship between event and event, and news, as images, only look (and are) in the retina while we watch, we read or hear.
For agencies, newspapers and mass media (local or international), this form of "consumption" is ideal.
people, executives say, she's always in a hurry. And we make the world easy and simple to digest.
This global communication "express" information "quick consumption" only titles, short paragraphs, memorized facts easy to digest and remember.
And the "general public" (the plaintiff massive information "express") is accustomed to taking in information "loose" (not why or what for) and not to analyze or reflect on their authenticity and origin. Easy and cortito
is the formula imposed. A sort of "world of slogans," the "general public" e parrots in their private lives, at work, and all chats and social networks where you leave register. And the information
"express" level and manipulated on a global scale, created a world in their image and likeness: The world of "pundits" compulsive loose programmed slogans news "express." And as pop
course, the role of reflection and analysis (natural human) was replaced by the "comment" without support, and speculation to the rumors and conspiracy theories without reasonable justification.
There is a first technical explanation: The role system of journalism is not to promote knowledge (rational understanding) of the news, but to promote the "debate" without rules, the discussion irrational and schizophrenic (no analysis or information processing) of the titles released as single images "to produce commercial attraction. Schedule
readers, viewers, or Internet with slogans faced with other slogans, the role and mission is essential that arises from the operational structure of mass journalism that sells "news" like burgers on the gondola.
And the miracle is looking for: The mass audience, the insane schedule (AP), uses information "Express" the same way you consume music, shows, products, even presidents and living standards if they are sold as air freshener.
That sense of freedom without borders "that leaves the" pundits "compulsive consumption information fast (like junk food from Mc Donalds) allowed, with impunity," criticizing "or" judge "almost any event without information and analysis on fundamental elements of what is discussed.
In this context, it is very common, for example, that an AP (alienated scheduled), "opine" on the conflict in Iran without knowing identified on the map. In its objective
Basically, the news "express", "fast food" of the information is not designed to feed the knowledge but to gain mass ignorance.
is the most effective tool that uses the media structure to convert the human brain on a microchip repetitive slogans, while the system, governments, banks and venture capitalists (who finance the media structure) are pillaging and doing business in the world real.
From the point of view of media use, the word "express" is based on and dwells on the techniques of mind control.
Operationally, mind control is a technique aimed at capturing and / or manipulate the behavior of people, controlling their emotions and their capacity for "reflection" with the aim of addressing behaviors (social or individual) to the ends sought by the "driver" (Governments, power groups, etc).
This model of social behavior manipulation (mind control) is summarized in the "herd thinking" where the individual resigned his ability to "own thinking" in exchange for protection by the leader (developer) of the group.
and mind control, to be successful, needs the "sectarian thinking," whose structure is composed of a "passive recipient" (the manipulated with mind control) and "active issuer (the head developer).
In this case, the alienated consumer news" express "is the passive recipient, while programming the media structure is the active emitter.
So much so that, within this functional scheme, there is a critical identification with the news (a feed back between sender and receiver), but one designed to prevent memorization totalized understanding of events on which apparently "informs".
The resulting ( that can be easily verified): The reader, viewer or listener becomes a passive diffuser titles (emptied of ideological and reflective) that feed the brain as a massive orders.
This creates a schizophrenic fragmentation, and allows, for example, the receiver, passing, without any reflective or emotional connection, a story about the death of 200,000 people in Haiti, the other on the latest release of a singer fashion.
And this phenomenon explains, in turn, the indifference of the majority against military mass killings of defenseless human beings (such as Israel in Gaza) who, without any alienation atomizing media, produce mass reactions against their perpetrators.
This effect is caused by an operation reductionist atomizing the news "express." For example: If I title "Israel is at war with Hamas," without clarifying that Israel is the aggressor power and Hamas the victim, wash operations to exterminate the Jewish state from any connotations of genocide.
transferred to any other plane, the function of news "loose" (out of context and unconnected) is aimed at preventing the majority (through reflective thinking) become aware of who is dominating and the dominated who.
This is the reason that justifies the bombing daily "headline" events that have torn apart and stripped of any sense of wholeness interpretation. Destroyed
critical thinking (through the information out of context and no history) the set are amplified alienated and passive transmitter levels in a single message: broadcasting (by way of a "Big Brother") that the media structure trades with the "news."
The structure of "herd thinking" means a functional axiom: The system does not want you to think for yourself, but to obey orders.
These orders (in the era of mind control) are not military but "persuasive." No act by imposing physical (torture and fear of death), but by imposing psychological (the "persuasion" social).
stage of the colonization of corporations with the consumption of products, beginning in the 60's, made possible the era of "mental colonization" with the consumption of information improved with the advent of the Internet and mass communications globalized in the late 90's.
When the transnational capitalist system, through consumption, leveled a "single model of thinking," laid the foundation for the psycho-ideological political control through the news reports manipulated by psychological operations. So
such that the techniques and strategies of mental control were revalued in scientific methods of addressing mass behavior, and became an efficient control strategy without the use of arms.
By manipulating and routing of conduct by the individual-psychological means dough becomes "soldier donor" domain plans and social control imposed by transnational capitalism and the imperialist power shift regent.
is both victim and victimizer, psychological operations, as a cell becomes consumer-broadcaster plans both capitalist consumerism plans social control and repression manipulated without the use of arms.
The news "express" the information from "quick consumption" are the backbone of this strategy.