NGOs and globalization
Gonez Interview with Carlos Gil, author of
"NGOs and globalization" José Luis Palacios
Workers News
Carlos Gómez Gil, "activist and social scientist, has just published a necessary book, entitled" The NGOs in globalization " in trying to find out whether these entities are responding to globalization unfair or one element of the expansion of neoliberalism, though many fight and work against the process and its consequences. With the rigor of scientific and critical attitude of a fighter, analyzes the role of NGOs from the beginning until now, its possibilities and shortcomings, and the principles that should never give up.
- Why NGOs arise and what factors have historically influenced the quantitative and qualitative increase after the end of the Cold War?
-NGOs also blunt the era of globalization as one of its key players that emerge due to the weakness of nation-states and the emergence of new dimensions of social intervention as a result of the need to repair the damage to society caused by a market economy with very specific rules in the service of capital, such as that sits today. However, in Europe, its appearance has other previous profiles far more complex, related to the historic evolution of our continent: the disaster of the world wars and destruction, colonialism and post colonialism, the advance of Keynesianism, interventionism social, search and defense of new social ideals, economic and industrial changes also marked the emergence of NGOs in Europe, unlike what happened in Spain.
- Is there a big gap between the idyllic image that the public has of NGOs and their reality?
"Without any doubt. On the one hand, it has built a social imaginary full of truths, but selfishly used by a growing number of institutions seeking to capitalize and monetize all that social capital, making economic and political capital in the spurious sense of the term I truly remarkable is that from multinational companies, from multinational institutions and parties is strongly undermine the principles essential that feed the NGO, and in front of them, trying to survive hard-driven organizations by people with fewer resources struggle to keep alive the ideals of solidarity, fraternity and transformation that should push these organizations, and they are Utopia maintaining changes represented NGOs.
- When we talk about NGOs, what kinds of entities we mean, how could classify them so that differentiate those that actually defend the solidarity and justice of those only are utility companies more or less disguised or are subordinated to other interests unmentionable?
"That's one of the most striking analytical elements: paradoxically, have been the most powerful multilateral institutions who have devoted more effort to define and model for NGOs. And it was not accidental but was part of an attempt to bring these organizations to their policies, and use them instrumentally to endorse and facilitate the penetration of her most answered. There is the example of World Bank or IMF, and even the recent history of the WTO in this regard. It is clear that the ability of critical and alternative generation are capital items for these organizations together to work as transparent as democratic. From these basic principles, you can develop many others, but only to see who and how to follow these issues can have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow is the patio.
- Is there a way to overcome the idea more or less accepted that criticism to an NGO or an aspect of which is to carry skepticism to people of good faith may think that ultimately everyone is equal and can not be changed nothing?
"I have a feeling that only those interested in maintaining reprehensible attitudes and performances can sustain arguments of this nature. The ability of a rabid criticism, internally and externally, must be an absolutely essential factor for any NGOs seeking to intervene in areas of exclusion, marginalization, exclusion and inequality as they do normally, and that the opposite is really trying to anesthetize the company to maintain its role of subsidiary entities serving public and private institutions. NGOs are the first interested in creating a much needed debate as essential, in other countries have already begun to raise and that in Spain, later or earlier will have to arise.
- Do you miss missing in English NGOs less complacent, less corporatism and more cooperation between them, less patronage and more complaints and mobilization efforts social? If so, what do you think that is? -
"The situation of NGOs in Spain is extremely particular and wander through territory much more complex than they imagine themselves. His weakness, his extreme economic dependence and functional organizational fragility, fragmentation and atomization, the process by which hegemony is betting this and other governments are some of the many symptoms of oenegeización model that has no health many will assume. The English model is moving towards a process of concentration (economic, resources, programs and campaigns) increasingly powerful in a very small group of NGOs, which are being used so that our governments (and some companies) to clean his conscience and also many other things. This analysis deserves a calm and peaceful by all NGOs, but I fear that we act more from corporatist false positions, which has the capacity to know the patient's health and needs.
- kindly see the collaboration between NGOs and multilateral agencies dominated by multinationals or governments markedly neoliberal?, What positive effects could be achieved and under what conditions?
"My research shows that these institutions are using a so interested NGOs simply to facilitate the advancement of ultra-liberal policies and to allow their entry into countries and populations where they are highly answered. I do not think there is space now to work together and respect because they are not the criteria from which to work in these institutions in towns and communities. Interestingly, it has been far more critical the work of opposition to trade liberalization processes that have made NGOs in the past five years, all the work done throughout the history of these organizations in the World Bank, to give an example.
- Would you dare to respond directly to the question of whether NGOs have become transforming elements of the world or simply are mere patches on the wounds created by economic neoliberalism, when not just means to accelerate capitalist globalization?
"If we want to be rigorous we must note that there is everything. On the one hand, we will not deny that more and more NGOs are merely organizations of opportunity created a row of the processes of liberalization and privatization lived wild in recent decades, dedicated to manage the debris precarious social policy, welfare, or aid in any areas. Alongside them, there are recently many shamelessly created by multinational companies, aware that they can and better manage their interests and better return on investment, not to mention those other areas of business and fundraising that have accepted the language, codes and categories of the most voracious capitalism. But also with all other organizations are working from different criteria, trying to create new spaces of solidarity, social transformation, critical to so many injustices, advocacy and vulnerable people. And all they do in an environment increasingly hostile, less and less media, being disliked by many other NGOs to "official" haunted with themselves to be so powerful and have many resources.
"If as you say there can be no healthy organizations in a sick society, what opportunities and challenges for NGOs, how could be achieved not only damaged organs in a sick body?
"Indeed, this argument that I hold in my study is to point out something opposed to what has been hearing from some NGO leaders, trying to explain that they are an army of new gladiators full of virtue and goodness, well above the rest of society. In my opinion (and from my experience) in NGOs are the same as in society, because society is nurtured same, and I have met wonderful people and real crooks, with the aggravating circumstance that cover behind the values \u200b\u200band feelings built up over decades by people who thought it was wonderful to work for a world, a society and a different neighborhood. No one can be alarmed that a bank will work with the toughest criteria capitalist economic system, but it would not surprise us that some NGOs are working from criteria much more ruthless, competitive and cruel, in the name of solidarity as unique as perverted. We should think what is happening in the NGO world when these things happen openly.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
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climatic U.S. HAARP weapon against Russia?
Moscow, July 29, RIA Novosti. The unusually high temperatures that hit for the sixth consecutive week the central areas of Russia are to some local experts wonder if they will not be attributable to test a secret weapon by the U.S..
Georgi Vasilyev, Faculty of Physics of Moscow Lomonosov University, recalled the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda claims that the upheavals stronger in Russia and other nations began after 1997 when the U.S. launched its station HAARP transmitters.
Located in Alaska, this season is the most powerful tool to influence the ionosphere. Some military experts are inclined to think that this is a geophysical weapon. Vasilyev also suspects that the U.S. would not have spent nearly two decades and $ 250 million in the facility, if their only function was to study high-frequency active aurora.
A former military meteorologist, Nikolai Karaváyev not rule out "the possibility of being tested a new weapon climate on Russia." He links the wave extreme heat with the recent launch of the U.S. spacecraft X-37B, which is able to carry powerful laser weapons. Temperatures in Moscow and are around 40 degrees Celsius, while in Berlin, Paris, Vienna and Warsaw between 18 and 25 degrees. This circumstance leads to the conclusion Karaváyev is a cataclysm "local and deliberate."
Vladimir Lapshin, director of the Institute of Applied Geophysics, calls this scenario "absurd," first, because the temperatures exceeded the norm in the U.S. territory. "The mix used to generate air mass in summer a temperature 25 degrees but now there is a huge area of \u200b\u200bhigh pressure air remaining on the European part of Russia (...) Let's see if it moves in August and everyone will forget once the weather weapon, "he said. Fan

Moscow, July 29, RIA Novosti. The unusually high temperatures that hit for the sixth consecutive week the central areas of Russia are to some local experts wonder if they will not be attributable to test a secret weapon by the U.S..
Georgi Vasilyev, Faculty of Physics of Moscow Lomonosov University, recalled the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda claims that the upheavals stronger in Russia and other nations began after 1997 when the U.S. launched its station HAARP transmitters.
Located in Alaska, this season is the most powerful tool to influence the ionosphere. Some military experts are inclined to think that this is a geophysical weapon. Vasilyev also suspects that the U.S. would not have spent nearly two decades and $ 250 million in the facility, if their only function was to study high-frequency active aurora.
A former military meteorologist, Nikolai Karaváyev not rule out "the possibility of being tested a new weapon climate on Russia." He links the wave extreme heat with the recent launch of the U.S. spacecraft X-37B, which is able to carry powerful laser weapons. Temperatures in Moscow and are around 40 degrees Celsius, while in Berlin, Paris, Vienna and Warsaw between 18 and 25 degrees. This circumstance leads to the conclusion Karaváyev is a cataclysm "local and deliberate."
Vladimir Lapshin, director of the Institute of Applied Geophysics, calls this scenario "absurd," first, because the temperatures exceeded the norm in the U.S. territory. "The mix used to generate air mass in summer a temperature 25 degrees but now there is a huge area of \u200b\u200bhigh pressure air remaining on the European part of Russia (...) Let's see if it moves in August and everyone will forget once the weather weapon, "he said. Fan
R-80 '- Ojos de Brujo If this world is constantly lost and not find the right Lie a good party and dance! Dance! Dance! Do not forget pa, but pa .. take better listen! Julia Angwin
Thursday, August 5, 2010
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The new gold mine on the Internet selling information taken from its computer
Tucked in a corner of the computer-Beaty Ashley Hayes is a small file that helps to collect personal details about her, which will be offered for sale by a tenth of a penny.
The file includes a single-code-4c812db292272995e5416a323e79bd37 who secretly identified as a 26 year old woman from Nashville, Tennessee
The code knows his favorite movies are as if for the first time, The Princess Bride and Ten Things I Hate you. You know you like the TV series Sex and the City and reading entertainment news and their tendency to answer questionnaires.
"I like to think I have something of a mystery, but apparently not!" Said Hayes-Beaty when he learned what it revealed about her that row of numbers. "The profile is eerily right." Hayes-Beaty
is being monitored by Lotame Solutions Inc., a New York company that uses sophisticated software called "beacon" to capture what people write on a website, and the comments they make about a movie, or interest in content on pregnancy and parenting. Lotame packs all that data on individual profiles, without specifying the names of the people, who sells to companies looking for customers. The likes of Hayes-Beaty can be sold wholesale (each group of thousand people who love movies are sold for $ 1) or specific groups (people over 26 living in the south of the country and that they like it was the first time).
"We can segment to reach a person," says Eric Porres, the marketing director Lotame. An investigation by The Wall Street Journal found that one of the fastest growing business is to spy on Internet users on the web.
Who spy?
The WSJ carried out an extensive study to evaluate and analyze the wide range of cookies and other monitoring technologies that companies are using to track Internet users. Monitoring reveals that consumers have become more pervasive and profound than many, with the exception of a handful of people at the forefront of the industry realize.
The study found that the 50 sites visited by Americans (of which there are several global sites that are accessed millions of Latin Americans) an average of 64 pieces installed tracking technology in the computers of visitors, usually without any notice. A dozen more than a hundred sites installed. The nonprofit organization Wikipedia does not install.
tracking technology is becoming more intelligent and increasingly intrudes on the privacy of users. Monitor these files previously limited primarily to delete cookies that record the sites that people visit. But the WSJ found new tools that scan in real time what people are doing on a website, then immediately determine the location, income, interests, shopping and even medical problems of users. Some of these tools are multiplied secretly even after users try to delete them.
These profiles of individuals, that are constantly updated, are bought and sold in markets like stock exchanges, which have appeared over the past 18 months.
New technologies are transforming the Internet economy. Previously, advertisers buy ads on specific websites, such as a car ad on a page about vehicles. But now, advertisers are paying extra to keep people on the Internet, no matter where they go, with highly targeted messages.
Internet between the user and the advertiser, WSJ identified more than 100 brokers, tracking companies, data brokers and advertising networks that compete to meet the growing demand for data on individual behaviors and interests.
For example, data on the habits of Hayes-Beaty film being offered to advertisers in BlueKai Inc., one of the new bags.
"It's a sea change in how the industry works," says Omar Tawakol, president BlueKai executive. "Advertisers want to buy access to people, not web pages." How
trackers installed?
The Wall Street Journal examined the 50 most popular sites in the U.S., representing about 40% of the websites they visit the U.S.. (Also tested on and and then analyzed the trace files and programs that these sites downloaded to a computer test.
As a group, the 50 sites placed 3,180 trace files in the WSJ test computer. About a third of these were harmless, placed to remember the password for a favorite site or to count the items most popular.
However, more than two-thirds, 2,224, were installed by 131 companies, many of which are in business to track Internet users to create databases of consumer profiles, which can be sold.
The main site that we used this technology, the investigation was, owned by IAC / InterActive Corp. A visit to this online dictionary resulted in 234 files or programs downloaded to the computer test, 223 of which were from companies that track Internet users.
The information gathered is anonymous companies in the sense that Internet users are identified by a number assigned to your computer, not a specific name. Lotame, for example, claims that do not know the user name and Hayes-Beaty-only behavior and attributes, identified by a code. People who do not want to be tracked can go Lotame system.
industry also ensures that data is used without causing damage. David Moore, Chairman of 24 / 7 RealMedia Inc., an advertising network to WPP PLC, said that such tracking gives Internet users a better advertising. "When an ad is directed at a specific person ceases to be an advertisement and it becomes important information," said.
tracking people on the web is nothing new. But the technology is growing and gaining so much power and pervasive that even some of the analyzed sites say they were not aware, until they WSJ reported that they were installing files to spy on their visitors. WSJ
found, the popular portal, Microsoft Corp., planted a trace file full of data: I had a prediction of the age of the sailing, zip code, gender, and even a code containing calculations income, marital status, presence of children at home and if you owned your home or not, according to the tracking company that created the file, Targus Information Corp.
both Targus and Microsoft say they did not know how the file came to and added that this did not contain information "that identifies people."
Tracking is performed by tiny files and programs known as cookies, flash cookies and beacons. These are planted on a computer when a user visits a website. U.S. courts have ruled that it is legal to place the simplest type of file, cookies, in the same way that someone using a phone can let a friend listen to the conversation. Justice should not have ruled on more complex crawlers.
The effect on users
more intrusive tracking comes from what is known in business as trace files "of others." They work as follows: the first time a user visits a site, it installs a trace file, which assigns the computer a unique identification number. Then, when the user visits another site associated with the same tracking company, might take note of where you were that user and where it is now. Thus, over time, the company can build a more complete profile.
One such ecosystem is the ad network that Yahoo Inc. to place ads get payments target specific users on their websites. The network of Yahoo knows many things about Cate Reid, who just graduated from high school. Knows what a woman between 13 and 18 who is interested in weight loss issues. Reid was able to confirm that when a reporter showed her a little known feature in the Yahoo site, the Interest Ad Manager, which displays some of the information that Yahoo has collected on it.
information on Reid, who at that time was 17, was on target: the young woman was concerned that possibly were heavy and has often done research about diets.
Each time you enter the Internet, he says, is weight loss ads. "I'm self conscious about my weight," says Reid, whose father asked not to reveal the city where he resides. "I try not to think about it ... but the ads make me think about it."
Yahoo spokeswoman, Amber Allman, says the company runs no ads consciously weight loss less than 18 years, although it does with adults.
"It is likely that this client has received a notice not specifically targeted," says Allman. Reid may also have seen advertisements directed toward her by other tracking companies.
tracking consumers is the foundation of economic online advertising revenues of U.S. $ 23,000 million in advertising spending last year. Tracking activity has soared. Researchers in the laboratories of AT & T Labs and the Worcester Polytechnic Institute last year found tracking technology in 80% of 1,000 popular sites, versus 40% in these sites in 2005. WSJ
found trace files that gather financial and health data. In the online dictionary, owned by Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., a trace file Healthline Networks Inc., an ad network, scan the page the user is viewing and shows ads related to what you see there . So for example, a person who is looking for words with depression might see ads Healthline on treatments for depression on this page and subsequent pages.
Healthline says it does not allow advertisers to follow online to users who have been sensitive issues like AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, eating disorders and impotence. The company allows advertisers to keep people with bipolar disorder and anxiety, overactive bladder, according to their marketing materials.
targeted ads can become too personal. Last year, Julia Preston, an education software designer 32 years of Austin, Texas, sought information online on uterine disorders. Soon he began to notice fertility ads on sites visited. Now he knows that he has no problem, but still receive the same ads.
"It's frustrating," he says. Fan
Tucked in a corner of the computer-Beaty Ashley Hayes is a small file that helps to collect personal details about her, which will be offered for sale by a tenth of a penny.
The file includes a single-code-4c812db292272995e5416a323e79bd37 who secretly identified as a 26 year old woman from Nashville, Tennessee
The code knows his favorite movies are as if for the first time, The Princess Bride and Ten Things I Hate you. You know you like the TV series Sex and the City and reading entertainment news and their tendency to answer questionnaires.
"I like to think I have something of a mystery, but apparently not!" Said Hayes-Beaty when he learned what it revealed about her that row of numbers. "The profile is eerily right." Hayes-Beaty
is being monitored by Lotame Solutions Inc., a New York company that uses sophisticated software called "beacon" to capture what people write on a website, and the comments they make about a movie, or interest in content on pregnancy and parenting. Lotame packs all that data on individual profiles, without specifying the names of the people, who sells to companies looking for customers. The likes of Hayes-Beaty can be sold wholesale (each group of thousand people who love movies are sold for $ 1) or specific groups (people over 26 living in the south of the country and that they like it was the first time).
"We can segment to reach a person," says Eric Porres, the marketing director Lotame. An investigation by The Wall Street Journal found that one of the fastest growing business is to spy on Internet users on the web.
Who spy?
The WSJ carried out an extensive study to evaluate and analyze the wide range of cookies and other monitoring technologies that companies are using to track Internet users. Monitoring reveals that consumers have become more pervasive and profound than many, with the exception of a handful of people at the forefront of the industry realize.
The study found that the 50 sites visited by Americans (of which there are several global sites that are accessed millions of Latin Americans) an average of 64 pieces installed tracking technology in the computers of visitors, usually without any notice. A dozen more than a hundred sites installed. The nonprofit organization Wikipedia does not install.
tracking technology is becoming more intelligent and increasingly intrudes on the privacy of users. Monitor these files previously limited primarily to delete cookies that record the sites that people visit. But the WSJ found new tools that scan in real time what people are doing on a website, then immediately determine the location, income, interests, shopping and even medical problems of users. Some of these tools are multiplied secretly even after users try to delete them.
These profiles of individuals, that are constantly updated, are bought and sold in markets like stock exchanges, which have appeared over the past 18 months.
New technologies are transforming the Internet economy. Previously, advertisers buy ads on specific websites, such as a car ad on a page about vehicles. But now, advertisers are paying extra to keep people on the Internet, no matter where they go, with highly targeted messages.
Internet between the user and the advertiser, WSJ identified more than 100 brokers, tracking companies, data brokers and advertising networks that compete to meet the growing demand for data on individual behaviors and interests.
For example, data on the habits of Hayes-Beaty film being offered to advertisers in BlueKai Inc., one of the new bags.
"It's a sea change in how the industry works," says Omar Tawakol, president BlueKai executive. "Advertisers want to buy access to people, not web pages." How
trackers installed?
The Wall Street Journal examined the 50 most popular sites in the U.S., representing about 40% of the websites they visit the U.S.. (Also tested on and and then analyzed the trace files and programs that these sites downloaded to a computer test.
As a group, the 50 sites placed 3,180 trace files in the WSJ test computer. About a third of these were harmless, placed to remember the password for a favorite site or to count the items most popular.
However, more than two-thirds, 2,224, were installed by 131 companies, many of which are in business to track Internet users to create databases of consumer profiles, which can be sold.
The main site that we used this technology, the investigation was, owned by IAC / InterActive Corp. A visit to this online dictionary resulted in 234 files or programs downloaded to the computer test, 223 of which were from companies that track Internet users.
The information gathered is anonymous companies in the sense that Internet users are identified by a number assigned to your computer, not a specific name. Lotame, for example, claims that do not know the user name and Hayes-Beaty-only behavior and attributes, identified by a code. People who do not want to be tracked can go Lotame system.
industry also ensures that data is used without causing damage. David Moore, Chairman of 24 / 7 RealMedia Inc., an advertising network to WPP PLC, said that such tracking gives Internet users a better advertising. "When an ad is directed at a specific person ceases to be an advertisement and it becomes important information," said.
tracking people on the web is nothing new. But the technology is growing and gaining so much power and pervasive that even some of the analyzed sites say they were not aware, until they WSJ reported that they were installing files to spy on their visitors. WSJ
found, the popular portal, Microsoft Corp., planted a trace file full of data: I had a prediction of the age of the sailing, zip code, gender, and even a code containing calculations income, marital status, presence of children at home and if you owned your home or not, according to the tracking company that created the file, Targus Information Corp.
both Targus and Microsoft say they did not know how the file came to and added that this did not contain information "that identifies people."
Tracking is performed by tiny files and programs known as cookies, flash cookies and beacons. These are planted on a computer when a user visits a website. U.S. courts have ruled that it is legal to place the simplest type of file, cookies, in the same way that someone using a phone can let a friend listen to the conversation. Justice should not have ruled on more complex crawlers.
The effect on users
more intrusive tracking comes from what is known in business as trace files "of others." They work as follows: the first time a user visits a site, it installs a trace file, which assigns the computer a unique identification number. Then, when the user visits another site associated with the same tracking company, might take note of where you were that user and where it is now. Thus, over time, the company can build a more complete profile.
One such ecosystem is the ad network that Yahoo Inc. to place ads get payments target specific users on their websites. The network of Yahoo knows many things about Cate Reid, who just graduated from high school. Knows what a woman between 13 and 18 who is interested in weight loss issues. Reid was able to confirm that when a reporter showed her a little known feature in the Yahoo site, the Interest Ad Manager, which displays some of the information that Yahoo has collected on it.
information on Reid, who at that time was 17, was on target: the young woman was concerned that possibly were heavy and has often done research about diets.
Each time you enter the Internet, he says, is weight loss ads. "I'm self conscious about my weight," says Reid, whose father asked not to reveal the city where he resides. "I try not to think about it ... but the ads make me think about it."
Yahoo spokeswoman, Amber Allman, says the company runs no ads consciously weight loss less than 18 years, although it does with adults.
"It is likely that this client has received a notice not specifically targeted," says Allman. Reid may also have seen advertisements directed toward her by other tracking companies.
tracking consumers is the foundation of economic online advertising revenues of U.S. $ 23,000 million in advertising spending last year. Tracking activity has soared. Researchers in the laboratories of AT & T Labs and the Worcester Polytechnic Institute last year found tracking technology in 80% of 1,000 popular sites, versus 40% in these sites in 2005. WSJ
found trace files that gather financial and health data. In the online dictionary, owned by Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., a trace file Healthline Networks Inc., an ad network, scan the page the user is viewing and shows ads related to what you see there . So for example, a person who is looking for words with depression might see ads Healthline on treatments for depression on this page and subsequent pages.
Healthline says it does not allow advertisers to follow online to users who have been sensitive issues like AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, eating disorders and impotence. The company allows advertisers to keep people with bipolar disorder and anxiety, overactive bladder, according to their marketing materials.
targeted ads can become too personal. Last year, Julia Preston, an education software designer 32 years of Austin, Texas, sought information online on uterine disorders. Soon he began to notice fertility ads on sites visited. Now he knows that he has no problem, but still receive the same ads.
"It's frustrating," he says. Fan
R-80 '- Ojos de Brujo If this world is constantly lost and not find the right Lie a good party and dance! Dance! Dance! Do not forget pa, but pa .. take better listen!
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